TinyCAD 3.00

Free Create and edit circuit diagram designs
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3.00.04 See all
Matt Pyne
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TinyCAD allows you to design basic or complex electrical or electronic circuit diagrams. It has 755 symbols distributed in 42 libraries which include digital logic-gate circuits, connectors, analog circuits, microcontrollers, discrete components, electromechanical components, passive components, power sources, semiconductors, integrated circuits, mechanical symbols, and more. Each library can be edited, better yet, you can add your own symbols and add more libraries (TClib, mdb, and idx libraries are supported). At the left of the TinyCAD Main Window you will see the list of libraries. When a symbol is selected, it will be shown at the left bottom of the main window, and can be inserted on the schematic sheet. You can use the filter option to search for components or symbols. After you have added the components of your circuit, you can wire them by using the Wire tool, clicking on the terminals of the components - junctions are automatically created. The program automatically checks for duplicated references, unconnected items, unassigned reference designators, and more. The program includes a "PCB Export" feature that allows you to export the netlist of your circuit in order to create a printed circuit board - output formats supported: TinyCAD, PADS-PCB, Eagle SCR, Protel, gEDA PCB, and XML. You can also export the image to clipboard and print your circuit.

RJ Senior editor
Roberto Jimenez
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Review summary


  • You can design and export circuit diagrams to PCB applications
  • You can edit the libraries, add more libraries, and add your own symbols
  • Circuit diagrams can be exported for PCB applications


  • Not found

Comments (4)

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Program hangs and stops working when I try and print a drawing.

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rating john
An absolutely fantastic and simple tool for all my circuit drawing needs so far.

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Gregg Sheehan
Does anyone know where the best file location to install the library files that come as a separate download, but not installable with an .exe or anything? I believe that you just open and copy to a file location, but which location is best?

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Gregg Sheehan,
Hi Gregg, If I remember I could import a library directly from the menu interface if I remember what I did. But as a tip( i think a good tip anyway), do not download all the parts you want in one file, otherwise you have one library with all your parts.
Make individual download in 'categories', make a list and download all the say resistors, this way when you import them you will have a resistor category, etc same for capacitors and each part type. I you do not do this, you will have one import - library category of everything you selected do download. Doing selections of each category of each type of item will make you library list nice and organized from the start.
After you have this you can import, i do not remember having to paste the download to any library folder.

Jun 29, 2022 Was it helpful?  yes(1) no(0) | Reply